Application - PODIUM - Dark Music Days 2025

This is the application form for participation in Podium, the presentation platform at Dark Music Days 2025.

Participants may present one or more projects, such as multiple repertoires for a chamber group. Please ensure that each presentation is concise, clear, and fits within the allotted time. Each presenter will have 10 minutes, including time for questions and answers.

The application deadline is November 18th, and all applicants will be notified by December 2nd.

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The name of the person responsible for presenting the project *
E-mail address *
Phone number *
Names of others presenting the project
Objectives of presentation *
Project title *
Biography of composer/performer/artist. Max. 250 words *
Short description of the project. Max 25 words. *
Link to a picture of the composer/performer/artist. Drive, Dropbox or other. *
Link to a picture/artwork for the project
A link related to the applicant, e.g. website/spotify/social media
A link related to the project, e.g. website/spotify/social media
Other information regarding the presentation
Please indicate if you have special dietary preferences and if you have food allergies
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