TAG TEAM Grant Application (Spring, 2021)
Welcome to the application for Theatre Arts Guild Toxic Employer Artist Mitigation grant program (TAG TEAM). TAG TEAM grants will be crowd sourced from our community to support theatre makers who suffer a loss of paid income due to a toxic or unsafe work environment.

Please complete the following application in order to be considered for the TAG TEAM Grant. Provide as much information as you can. We understand not all agencies provided formal contracts. Emails and text messages can serve as proof of intended contracts. Screenshots are permitted. Questions may be sent to TAG at outreach@theatreartsguild.com 

*All applications will be adjudicated by the TAG Board.*
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First Name *
Last Name *
Telephone Number *
Telephone Number Type *
Tell us what happened that caused your contract to be broken or caused you to leave the production. Please be detailed. *
What was the total amount of your contract and what amount are you requesting be covered by TAG? *
Do you or anyone in your household have another source of income? *
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