2025 SLCA Scholarship Form

All applications are due on the Thursday 2 weeks before the start of the program.

4-Week After-school Class: Acting 101 (Due March 13th)

New Summer Young Actors' Workshop: Pinocchio (Due May 29th)

New Summer Young Actors' Workshop: The Little Mermaid (Due June 26th)

Annual Summer Young Actors' Workshop (Due July 24th)

Scholarship will be awarded one week prior to the first day of camp/class.

At the Shane Center, we believe that cost should never be a barrier to participation and access to the arts.

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Email *
Parent or Guardian Name *
Phone *
Student Name (First & Last). Please submit a new form for each student/program you are applying for. *
Age *
Grade *
What program are you applying for? *
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