BSidesBUD2024 Call For Papers
This is the official CFP application form of #BSidesBUD2024.
Date: May 23, 2024
Location: Lurdy Conference Center // Budapest, Hungary AND an ONLINE STREAM in parallel
CFP deadline: March 25, 2024

Please note that as BSidesBUD is a low-cost community based conference, we cannot reimburse travel cost and accommodation for our speakers. Thank you for your understanding!

You can check out the CFP with all details at:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of the speaker(s) *
Please list ALL of the speakers that will be presenting if selected
E-mail address(es) of the speaker(s)
Please note that we CAN NOT accept applications without valid email addresses
Twitter account ID of the speaker(s)
If you have a Twitter account, please give your username to us so we can mention you in our promotional tweets!
Short bio of the speaker(s)
This will be seen by attendees in our schedule (800-1000 chars per speaker)
You apply for...
Where would you travel from?
Language of your talk
Title of your talk
This title will show up in our schedule
Short description of the talk
This will be seen by attendees in our schedule (800-1000 chars)
Explain the talk to us
Please give the program committee a detailed (technical) introduction to your talk (min. 1000 chars). If you have other materials to attach (whitepapers, presentations, etc.) please provide a link or send the material to
Sources to understand the topic for newbies
If you can, please list some sources that help to understand the topic of your presentation for those who are unfamiliar with it.
Will your presentation include demos?
Please pick whether you plan to present not just slides but technical demonstration as well
Will you release any new tools?
Please pick whether you plan to release new tools during your presentation
Have you submitted this talk to any other conferences?
Have you submitted this talk anywhere else? If so..Where? Was it accepted?
Do you have any special technical requirement for your presentation at BSidesBUD?
If yes, please describe it!
Do you follow any special diet? If yes, please indicate! *
Please give us your T-shirt size!
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