Reflex Recreation Center(勵健体育会) Group Badminton Class Registration Form
This form is for new students to register for Reflex Recreation Center 🏸 SATURDAY GROUP Badminton training classes at PS 105. This program is mainly targeted student under age of 18. After you fill out the registration form, our staff will follow up with you within a week. Welcome students age 7 and up.

1031 59th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219
Indoor Gymnasium

04/27/2024 - 06/22/2024
4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22
(Total 8 classes )

No Class 

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:15 pm - 02:15 pm

$320 / 8 Classes
- No make-up classes except for medical reason ( need doctor's note)
Visit the following page for class information
Spots are limited. First come, first serve. Seat is not reserved until payment is made in full.

👉 Class Preparation Memo 上課準備及須知
Увійдіть в обліковий запис Google, щоб зберегти надані відповіді. Докладніше
Last Name *
Student's Information
First Name *
Student's Information
Email *
Address *
Gender *
School Name *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Select the training season *
Class Selection *

Group Badminton lessons are only available on Saturdays. Students will be grouped by age/skill level in class.羽毛球課程僅在周六提供。學生將在課堂上按年齡/技能水平分組。10am class is full. Please register for 12:15pm only. 早上10時的課已滿額,請報名12:15pm的課
10:00 AM - 12:00PM
12:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Parent/Guardian 1 - First Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Last Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Relationship *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian 2 - First Name
Parent/Guardian 2 - Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 - Relationship
Parent/Guardian 2 - Phone Number
Emergency Contact Information 1 - First Name *
Alternate Pickup/Release
Emergency Contact Information 1 - Last Name *
Emergency Contact Information 1 -  Relationship *
Emergency Contact Information 1 -  Phone Number *
Does your child have any known health conditions that would make them unsuitable for participating in rigorous physical activities, training, or gym class?
Considering both physical and mental conditions. 
Is there any remark / special instruction you would like to share regarding your child's health conditions?
Does your child have any allergy? *
If YES, Please Explain the allergy
What is the primary spoken language the student usually used at home? *
This question will help our coach to provide the better instruction to the students.
Which is the student's dominant hand?
This question will help our coach to provide the better instruction to the students.
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