Open Call - Crafted Dreams: A Creative Showcase
Event Timing: November 17th, 2024 3pm-8pm
Event Address: 305 S Dillard St - Durham, North Carolina
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First and Last Name
Email *
Are you a visual artist, DJ, or vendor?
If you selected "other" to the previous question, please elaborate.
Please provide a link to available portfolios, playlists/mixes, or business. 

If unable to provide a link, type "N/A", and promptly send an email to ALL available contacts containing a body of work.
Social Media links
Will you require accommodations, such as tables, pedestals, etc
If Yes, please check any items that will be necessary to provide.
If you selected "Other" in the previous question, please explain what you may need.
Will you require volunteer staff for set up, and take down?
If you are to be accepted, there will be a one-time, $15 placement fee. Do you understand and acknowledge this charge? Please choose other if you have been informed of a waived fee
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