Lyon Arboretum Group Visit Request Form (SY 2024-2025)

Thank you for your interest in booking a visit to the Lyon Arboretum.

Please note that filling out this form is NOT a confirmation of reservation. Confirmation must be received from Lyon Arboretum stuff, and your confirmation packet will include risk and release waivers and an estimate of cost.


1) Please complete ALL of the fields of information below and click submit. Completion of this form is NOT a confirmation for a reservation.

2) After receiving your request, a Lyon Education Staff member will be in touch to follow up/confirm.

3) Please do not make travel accommodations until you have received a confirmation from our staff for your visit.

4) Once a date(s) has been confirmed, our Education Office will email you a Confirmation Packet that includes the logistical details, safety guidelines, and risk and release forms to be completed by all attending adults and the parents/guardians of attending minors.

5) These forms, along with payment, are to be submitted upon arrival on the day of the field trip.

6)  Any questions can be directed to or 808-988-0461.

Prior to completing this request form, please read through the "General Information" and "Tours/Field Trips Offered" sections on our School Tours Page:
           K-12 Schools visit information:
           University Groups visit information:

NOTE FOR K-12 GROUPS interested in a SCHOOL VISIT:
If you are interested in a school visit (Lyon Arboretum staff coming to visit your school), please email us directly at You can also call our office at 808-988-0461. Mahalo!
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