Mountain Magic Work Trade 2022

We’re so excited about the upcoming retreat, and happy to hear you’re interested in joining us! We have work trade opportunities available for you to join us for a half price ticket of $225 for 9 hours of work exchange. The exchange that we’re offering is $25 an hour per hour worked off of your ticket price. The hours and role you will work needs to be negotiated before you arrive.

Work Trade may entail set-up before the event, kitchen help, driving gear or people, running kid's activities or kid's area, and/or clean-up after the event. If this all sounds good, please fill out this survey.

Work trade is a win-win! You get a discount for the event and we benefit from you help - overall it creates a team vibe and that feels good :) 
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What is your name?
What's your email address?
Can you work 9 hours for a half price ticket? *
Which area would you like to work in? *
Are there any activities you absolutely don't want to miss? We'll do our best to work around this but can't guarantee it.
Do you have a car if needed for driving? *
Any special skills, preferences, or anything else you want us to know?
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