GM Application Form
Thank you for your interest in GMing RPGs at Tabletop Gaming Center. This form will allow you to register your interest, and will provide us with ample information about your schedule and style to help match players with you for the best possible experience. Please take your time and answer each question carefully. Many questions have descriptive text to guide you.

Filling out this form does not guarantee you a table, or acceptance into Tabletop Gaming Center's weekly RPG program. If you are accepted, you will receive an email from the store with more information.
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Email *
What is your full (first and last) name? *
Please provide your Discord username. *
Your username is not the same as a nickname. It can be found by clicking on your profile, and it's listed in small text beneath your nickname. The username will always be lowercase letters and numbers. 

If you have not done so yet, please join our Discord server here: 
Please check off what days and at what times you are available to GM.
Please note that some time slots are not currently available (notably Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings). If the only times you can choose are ones that are currently unavailable, your application will be put on hold until space becomes available in those times.

Currently, we run RPG events on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. However, we have reached capacity on two of those evenings and still have more demand. To address this, we are looking to expand our RPG events to include mornings, afternoons, and other days of the week. Once we have enough players interested in a specific time and day, we will add an event for that slot. So, please check any times you’re available, even if they seem unconventional.
Morning (10am-2pm)
Afternoon (2pm-6pm)
Evening (6pm-10pm)
Please provide any additional details about when you are available to run games, if any.
What is the maximum number of players you would like at your table?
Please keep in mind that the goal should be for everyone at the table to have fun. Overcrowding often leads to players not getting spotlight time, and can be unenjoyable for the GM to manage.
What game systems are you comfortable running?
Please only list games you are currently capable of running. If you need to learn the rules still, you should not include it.
If you selected PbtA/FitD Games or Other above, please provide more detail, including a list of the games you're interested in running.
What is the preferred genre of your game? (horror, fantasy, sci-fi, etc.)
What is the preferred theme of your game? (adventure, political, survival, etc.)
Please describe your GMing style. (rules lawyer, on rails, player driven, etc.)
What RPG safety tools do you implement at your table?
Please describe your experience as a GM.
How do you deal with player conflict at your table?
How comfortable are you with improv and problem solving?
Please describe your favorite moment as a GM from any RPG.
Why do you want to be a GM for Tabletop Gaming Center?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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