Savvy Food sign up form
This survey has been created by Arran Eco Savvy to assess your current food attitudes and behaviours prior to attending one of our workshops. We will repeat the survey after the workshop to see whether your attitudes and behaviours towards food have changed following your attendance. Thank you!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Please provide your name below *
How many people live in your household currently?
Do you do most of the food shopping and cooking for your household?
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Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements: *
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
It is important for me to know who local food producers are
I eat a diet high in locally produced food
I can identify food which is seasonal throughout the year
I eat a diet high in seasonal food
I understand the impact the food I eat has on climate change
I eat a diet low in meat and dairy
Buying food with minimal or recyclable packaging is important to me
I buy food with minimal or recyclable packaging
I can identify where the food I buy has come from
I actively choose food products that have travelled lower distances
I am conscious of the food waste that I produce
I consume nearly all the food I purchase and waste very little
I would like to sign up to:
Thank you for completing our survey!
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