Inclucity Group 6 Tester Registration Form
Please fill out the form below to be considered for the upcoming tests with The City of Calgary and IncluCity Calgary to help make Calgary's technology more inclusive, usable, and accessible!

User testing is a way to gather feedback directly from people who use the services. The goal of this user testing pilot project is to uncover the challenges people encounter when using The City of Calgary's digital services and as a result, how these services can be made more inclusive and accessible for everyone.

This questionnaire will ask about your background, your experiences, and your comfort level with technology. Please answer honestly and accurately to help us select appropriate participants for this testing.

What will you do?

  • Fill out this form to be considered for a paid usability test. (It takes approx. 5 minutes to complete form)
  • Selected candidates will be invited to a 10 minute information and screening call.
  • Finalists will attend a one-hour and 15 minute usability testing session which can be completed virtually or in person.
  • No previous experience or knowledge is required for the usability tests; our facilitators will guide you through the tasks. You can access our Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q. section here).
  • Testers will be paid $70 after completing the usability test.

Who to contact with questions?

  • If you have questions or need assistance with this form, or if you require the form in another format, please contact me by email at

Want more details about the pilot project?
*Information you provide in this questionnaire is:
- Collected per principles established in the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
If you move forward in the selection process, you'll be contacted by phone and email for the next round of screening and information.
City *
What City do you reside in for most (over half) of the year?
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This form was created inside of IncluCity Calgary Usability Testing Society.

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