Teacher's Mega Sale!
Tell us how much you can pay for 6 or more pegs and you might get what you want ! The bid has to be higher than the reserved price . So just bid and get your choice of drink at the lowest possible price.
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Teacher’s Highland Cream contains a high proportion of Malt Whisky producing a smooth, complex whisky with great consistency. It is said that William Teacher would not give his name until he had found perfection. Highland Cream is that whisky. It uses fully smoked peated single malt whisky from The Ardmore distillery, with this single malt as its fingerprint whisky. This gives an incredible depth and smokiness combined with a rich smoky undertone. Truly a masterpiece word.
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How much can you pay for 4 pegs (60ml each) i.e. quarter of the bottle ? Reserved price is Rs. 500
How much can you pay for 6 pegs (60ml each) i.e. Almost Half of the bottle ? Reserved price is Rs. 750
How much can you pay for 12.5 pegs (60ml) i.e.Full  bottle ? Reserved price is Rs. 1250
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