Students: Foreigners who are already in Taiwan or students of CTU.
Starting time: Depending on the number of applicants and the time period, Language Center will evaluate the status of the course and contact the students to attend the class.
Note: Online Chinese courses are also available for those who cannot come to Taiwan or do not need a visa.
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班級 (非本之校境外人士若要申請線上課則請填【無】) Class (For non-universal students who want to apply for online classes, please fill in [None]) *
學號(非本校之境外人士若要申請線上課則請填【無】) Student Number (For non-universal students who want to apply for online classes, please fill in [None]) *
姓名 Name *
國別 Nationality  *
手機/電話 phone *
想要報名的課 course type *
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