Pares Tayo PH - Franchise Application Form

Thank you so much for your interest in franchising Pares Tayo! 
Pares Tayo shares its opportunities with the right partners who trust in the brand.

Upon receipt of application, submission of an application form does not obligate you or Pares Tayo in any way.

It is just the first step in the application process, which is an evaluation of your proposal.

Details of investment cost, return of investments and other franchising details will be discussed with you once your application has been Reviewed/Approved.
Email *
Email *
Full Name *
Gender *
Civil Status *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Complete Address *
Mobile Number  *
Preferred means of communication?
When is the best time to contact you? *
Name of your Company
Number of years in the Company
Company Address
Company Contact Number
Have you been a customer of Pares Tayo PH?
Clear selection
If Yes, how many times have you visited/ordered
from PT? What do you usually purchase?

What do you think makes customers come to PT?
What do you think will make you a successful PT

What is your main reason for considering a PT

What are your expectations in having a PT

What, in your background, will assist you in
successfully managing a Pares Tayo Franchise?

What experience/s have you had in following
systems and procedures?

To what extent will you be involved in the day-to-day
operations of the franchised branch?

What percent of the equity of this franchise
business will you own?

What amount of cash will you personally invest in
this franchise?

What will be the source of these funds?
Will you and your family completely depend on the
income generated from having a PT franchise?
If YES, what is your income expectation? If NO,
what are the other sources of your family income?

Do you currently have an interest in any restaurant /
food business, or any other business ventures?
If yes, please describe such business.

Where are your location preferences?
How much is your expected daily sales for your branch?
When can you start operating your own franchise?
Who are the immediate markets you can think of for
your franchised outlet?

Please provide three (3) Character References including the following information: Contact Person's name (non-family), Contact Number, and E-mail Address
Acknowledgement: I hereby represent that all of the above answers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I recognize Pares Tayo PH., the Franchisor for Pares Tayo, is not in any way obligated to offer a franchise to me because of our execution of this document. I understand that any false statement on this application shall be considered sufficient cause to deny further consideration. I understand that any inquiry regarding my character, personal characteristics and financial background may be conducted as a result of information required by Pares Tayo PH.
I consent to the processing of my personal and sensitive personal information contained in this form and in documents submitted for my Franchise Application for the purpose of enabling Pares Tayo PH including all the relevant System and Constituent to verify my identity, process my application, determine whether I am qualified to avail of Franchise.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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