SINA Scholarship Application Form
Please fill out these questions to request for a scholarship and join the Social Innovation Academy (SINA). We encourage you to be honest in your answers and fill out all the questions to the best of your ability. We will get back to you and invite you for an activity day very soon, to be able to get to know you better.

NOTE: Your answers are not the basis we use for giving you the scholarship, they only help us to understand who you are and the condition your life is in currently. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps us to empower you better. Therefore, SAY THE TRUTH. DO NOT BE UNDER PRESURE TO TELL LIES BECAUSE WE SHALL STILL GET TO KNOW THE TRUTH WHEN YOU COME FOR SCHOLAR SELECTION ACTIVITIES.

Please be aware that the application form might take like 1h to complete. Make sure you have a stable internet connection. After submission you will receive a confirmation message immediately. Thank you and we hope to see you join one of our SINA communities soon. 
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My Names
Which SINA Community are you applying for
My phone number (in the format with country code e.g. +256...)
Secondary Phone Number (if other is not reachable)
My Email (or the email of a friend or relative where I can be reached if I do not have my own)
My Birthday (Day/Month/Year, e.g. 02/10/1999)
Your home area/ district and country
You are
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What applies best to you
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Do you have plans to join university
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The program of SINA is full-time (Monday till Friday) and for at least 3 months. Are you able to commit yourself fully to that?
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Please tell us a little bit more about you and why you are requesting a financial scholarship to be able to join SINA?
Do you have any special need (for example medical or a disability)? If yes, please share with us so that we can make special arrangements for you
I know how to understand and communicate well in English
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I plan to answer all of the questions on this survey honestly
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I like to give a lot of effort and do my work well, even when no one else is checking what I do
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People can count on me to get tasks done
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I develop step-by-step plans to reach my goals
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I know how to find the causes and solutions to a problem
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I develop new tools and methods to resolve problems
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I know how to manage my time
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I know my strengths and weaknesses
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There are many things that I do well
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I feel, I am a valuable person, at least as equal as others
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I feel, I am a valuable person, at least as equal as others
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All in all, I feel that I might be a failure
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I believe in myself
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I can learn new things, but I can’t really change my basic intelligence
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I could handle a major unexpected expense
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I am concerned that the money I have or will save won’t last
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I have money left over at the end of the month
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New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from previous ones
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Challenges and setbacks don’t discourage me
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I am a hard worker
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I have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete
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I finish whatever I begin
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I often see possibilities or opportunities that others do not see
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I often notice things that could be improved or created
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I do research to reduce the risks I face in implementing a new idea
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I know how to gather resources, including money or people with the right skills, to put my ideas into action
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I know how to test whether customers like my product or service, and improve it based on their feedback
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I know how to keep track of my finances and I plan for future expenses
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I know how to market my products or services so that people want to buy them
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I know how to create a business plan, and how to revise it as I learn from experience
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I take personal effort to protect the environment
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I am comfortable to speak in front of a large group
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This is the end of the survey, thank you for filling it. How do you feel now?
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