Call for Youth Facilitators for Conversation Circles
Calling all youth with facilitating experience! Put a name forward to facilitate a Conversation Circle during the NGO CSW66 Forum!

A place to raise issues and exchange ideas on different topics in a semi-structured space during CSW, Conversation Circles are one of the most popular aspects of the annual NGO CSW Forum. This year, for CSW66 and the NGO CSW66 Forum, all Conversation Circles will address the intersections between selected themes and climate justice in alignment with the CSW66 priority theme.

We are looking for youth facilitators for the following Conversation Circles:

- Anti-Racism
- Economic Justice & Rights
- Feminist & Youth Movements and Leadership in the Times of COVID-19

If you'd like to nominate someone (it could be yourself!) as a facilitator for one of the Conversation Circles above, please fill out the form below.

The deadline to fill out this form is Thursday, 3 February. Selected facilitators will receive an email by Friday, 11 February.
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Proposed facilitator's information
Name *
Email *
Organization *
Conversation Circle they're interested in facilitating: *
What facilitating experience do they have? *
LinkedIn account or website
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