How to Receive Care
The Peak's Care program serves not just the spiritual, but emotional, mental, and physical needs of our growing church. In additional to pastoral support, The Peak also has trained Care Ministers standing by to offer prayer, guidance and companionship.

Our goal is to offer Christlike care to persons going through grief, facing surgery, celebrating the birth of a baby, caring for aging parents, experiencing job loss, and many other life events. Sometimes this is a simple phone call or text message. Other times, Pastors and/or Care Ministers could even visit with a church member in need of support. The goal is to have someone journey alongside you so long as it is helpful.

After filling out the form below, either a pastor or our Care Director will be in touch with you. There, you can indicate what level of support you seek at this time. 
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Email *
First & Last Name *
Phone Number
What type of care are you requesting? *
What else do we need to know about your situation in order to offer the best possible care? *
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