2025 February Entry NTU International Students Online Meet & Greet 
Dear Students,

OIA has invited international students who have been at NTU and in Taiwan for a while to share their experiences with you and give some tips to you. The events will be held in ENGLISH.  

Event: 2025 Online Meet and Greet
Date: January 7, 2025 (Tuesday)

Session 1 - 10:30 am - 12:30 noon (Taipei Time UTC+8): 
- For students from English Speaking Countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States), Asia (Hong Kong, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea) and Latin America (Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, Chile). 

Session 2 - 15:00 - 17:00 (Taipei Time UTC+8):   
- For students from European Countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Tunisia, Ukraine, and) English Speaking Countries (United Kingdom), Asia (India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Israel, Nepal, PhilippinesPakistan, Thailand, Vietnam), and Africa (Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania).

You will hear representative students from International Student Associations and other international students answering questions that cover the following topics:
- The Beginning of a New Journey in Taiwan and NTU
- Learning at NTU
- Activities to Do
- Living in Taiwan

Registration Deadline: January 2, 2025

For further inquiries, please contact:
Ms. Lily Hsu



日期: 2025年1月7日 (星期二)
第一場 - 10:30~12:30 (臺北時間 UTC+8):給來自英語系國家 (澳大利亞、加拿大、美國、紐西蘭)、亞洲 (香港、大陸地區、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡)及拉丁美洲 (墨西哥、秘魯、巴拉圭、智利)的學生參加。

第二場 - 15:00~17:00 (臺北時間 UTC+8):給來自歐洲 (奧地利、比利時、捷克、丹麥、芬蘭、法國、德國、匈牙利、義大利、立陶宛、荷蘭、挪威、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、斯洛伐克、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、突尼西亞、烏克蘭、比利時等)、英語系國家(英國)、亞洲(印度、孟加拉、印尼、以色列、尼泊爾、菲律賓、泰國、越南)以及非洲(衣索比亞、奈及利亞及坦尚尼亞等)的學生參加。

- 初到臺灣和臺大的體驗
- 在臺大的學習經歷
- 可以參加的活動
- 在臺灣的生活


如果你有任何疑問,請聯絡:徐慧玲小姐  lilyhsup87@ntu.edu.tw

Email *
Name 姓名 *
Student Type 學生類別 *
Country of Origin 來自哪個國家 *
Please select your country of origin to help us arrange a meeting with seniors from the same country.
Are you a Muslim? 你是穆斯林嗎? *
Since we invite the Muslim Student Association to join the breakout session, we'll divide you into that group so that you can know more about the facilities and resources in NTU and in Taipei City.
由於我們邀請了穆斯林同學會的學生參加breakout session,我們會直接將你分配至同一組別,這樣你就可以了解臺大校園跟臺北市內可利用的場所與資源。
Which College at NTU are you admitted to? 在臺大就讀的學院是? *
Which department you are admitted to?錄取系所?
Any questions or subjects you would like us to cover?
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