EFC Camp Courage-Extreme Team Application
If you are in 10th-12th grade or have done prayer team at EFC or have experience working with youth before please fill out this form to help us know why you hope to join us in this role this year! Just do the best you can and we know that some of these questions you might be hard to answer. Honesty is always the best and maybe leading at camp is where you will find the answers to some of these questions. This form just gives us a sense of where you are at!
So glad you are applying!!
Why do you want to be on Extreme Team?
Briefly recount how and when it was that you came to know the Lord Jesus in a more personal way.
What are some concrete examples of how your life has been changed through your relationship with the Jesus Christ?
What are some areas of your life that God is still working on?
Describe your prayer life (include when and how you pray and what spiritual resources you may be using to deepen your faith).
Describe strengths that will help you as an Extreme Team Leader.
Describe weaknesses that will make being an Extreme Team Leader difficult for you.
If you have been involved in your parish's Ministry, what events and activities have you been involved?
If you have been working with Junior High teens, what has been your favorite part of working with them? Struggles?
How do you plan to build relationships with the middle school youth during 2022-2023 school year?
By typing my name here and completing this form I am acknowledging that I have answered truthfully and am committed to serving in the youth ministry of my parish in the ways I am able in the future. *
Best way to contact you. (please put number or email) *
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Ten formularz został utworzony w domenie St. Charles Borromeo School. Zgłoś nadużycie