2025 National CERT Conference Speaker Form

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the upcoming 2025 National CERT Conference in Indiana. Please complete this form for consideration.  

Conference speakers are responsible for their own costs to travel to and attend the 2025 National CERT Conference. There is no cost to present at the conference. Presenters who wish to attend the conference outside of their presentation will need to register for the conference as an attendee. 

A laptop, screen, and projector will be provided in each breakout room.  Presenters are responsible for providing their own handouts if needed. Please note that room setup requests are not guaranteed.

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Presenter First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Secondary Phone Number
Email *
Secondary Email
Program/Agency/Affiliation *
Title within Program/Agency/Affiliation *
Short Bio *
Name(s) of Additional Presenter(s)
Additional Presenter(s) Program/Agency/Affiliation
Additional Presenter(s) Bio(s)
Session Title (as it should appear in the program) *
Session Desciption (600-character limit, to be included in conference program) *
Please confirm what audio/visuals you need the confernce to provide. If you do not choose laptop, we will assume you are bringing your own, *
Please note any special arrangements you will need for your presentation.
Does the NCA have your permission for the following? Please check the box to allow permission. *
Are you willing and able to provide your PowerPoint presentation to the conference organizers by July 21, 2025?
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To ensure quality and relevant presentations, the NCA committee will vet all presenter applications.  Each presenter will need a minimum of two referrals. 
Referral #1 First and Last Name: 
Referral #1 Phone *
Referral #1 Email *
Referral #1 Role in CERT (check all that apply) *
Referral #2 First and Last Name: 
Referral #2 Phone *
Referral #2 Email *
Referral #2 Role in CERT (check all that apply) *
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