FEEL EVEN BETTER APPLICATION: Limited to clients who have done 1:1 or group coaching with Karen
Live In-Person Event will be Friday October 6 thru Monday October 9 2023 (indigenous people's day weekend), followed by 6 months small group 3x/month coaching for 1 hour October 16- April 10. Call times will vary to include lunchtime and evening scheduling.  
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What is your Name? 
What is your preferred email address? 
What is your Time Zone 
What is one tool coaching with Karen has taught you already that has had a big impact on your life?

What is one goal you'd like to focus on inside this Advanced Mastermind?
Why is it important to you? 
What do you need to stop doing and start believing to create that result? 
What questions do you have? 
What if any are your dietary restrictions? 
You understand in order to participate in Feel Even Better you are required to attend the live in-person event at  Terranea Resort October 6-9  
(* flight and hotel are not included in program cost) 
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What is your spa treatment of choice? (one is included per person) The spa at Terranea  has a beautiful pool, cafe, hot tub, cold plunge, breathtaking views, cute shop and quality aestheticians. It is a great place to relax for an afternoon but needs a pass that comes with your treatment on me! ) 
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Which, if any, sounds the most amazing to you (check as many as you'd like) 
Anything else you'd like me to know?
Thank you! We will be emailing you back soon and if you are accepted, we will provide a payment link at that time for the Pay in full or payment plan option which is 3 payments of 4k ( June 12, July 12, August 12) 
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