Propose a speaker for TEDxBarcelonaWomen 2019 | Share The Power!
At TEDxBarcelonaWomen we are continuously searching interesting and groundbreaking  "Ideas Worth Spreading" that can enlighten Barcelona and the world!

Since we know that our amazing community is composed by curious minds, we find fascinating to listen to our TEDxers and get to know what their proposals, interests and preferences are in terms of ideas, speakers and topics for our next TEDx Women event next Friday 13th of December.

We created the form below so you can propose yourself or someone else as speaker for TEDxBarcelonaWomen 2019.      
A GLOCAL event devoted to spread ideas coming from both men and women inspired by gender equality, as well as to connect and give visibility to female talent.

Please take into account that we carefully curate our events to respect the TED and TEDx format, so any speaker willing to talk about his/her company, book, project or bio / interested in promoting political and/or religious matters or talking about unproven facts will automatically be rejected. TED and TEDx are all about multidisciplinary Ideas Worth Spreading, not people or personal/professional interests.

In order to see if an idea fits into the TED format we need to investigate and have answers for all the questions below. By answering these questions you can help us a lot and speed up this process. The more questions you answer the better.

Thank you so much for your help! Looking forward to meeting you at TEDxBarcelonaWomen 2019 :)

*You will find the updated Data Privacy Policy at the end of this form which you can read and accept. The terms are written in Spanish but they will be available in English soon. If you have further questions please email

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name of the speaker *
Name and surname
Email *
What is the main message of the talk? (in just one sentence, please) *
Examples of great TED/TEDx talks on gender-related topics: We should all be feminists / Why we have so few women leaders / We need to teach girls to be brave, not perfect / Your body language shapes who you are / Why I stopped watching porn ...
A more detailed explanation of the idea and content of the talk *
Which publications about the idea exist already, published and verified by third parties?
(articles, scientific papers, books, videos... link to page or PDF)
When was the idea first presented? (year)
Who was the first person talking about that (or a similar) idea and when?
What is the speaker's experience working in the area of the idea? *
Fact-checking: do contradictory opinions exist? Is all what he/she says true?
If contradictory opinions exist, please mention them here. If none exist, please write "none".
Is the idea relevant to our community in Barcelona? Why?
If the idea is relevant to another community please mention to which community (city, region, country,...)
¿How would you define the given talk apart from being interesting? (It's ok if it is "only" interesting)
Website of the speaker
In case he/she has one.  Example:
CV, LinkedIn or Wikipedia of the speaker
Link to his/her curriculum, Linkedin or Wikipedia profiles. Please include his email and mobile phone number if possible.
Publications of the speaker (articles, papers, documents, interviews...)?
Preferrably publications about this idea
Previous talks of the speaker
Link to videos
Other people/websites talking about the speaker
Other people/websites talking about similar ideas or issues
Language of the TEDxBarcelonaWomen talk to give
Why should this speaker participate in our event? How is his/her idea going to make a difference in the world?
Anything else that we forgot to mention and you think is relevant? Share it! :)
Consent: *
*Data Privacy Policy
Tu privacidad es importante para nosotr@s. En esta declaración de privacidad te explicamos qué datos personales recopilamos mediante este formulario y cómo los utilizamos.

Cualquier persona tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en TEDxBarcelonaWomen estamos tratando datos personales que nos concierne, o no. Las personas interesadas tienen derecho a:

Solicitar el acceso a los datos personales relativos al interesado
Solicitar su rectificación o supresión.
Solicitar la limitación de su tratamiento.
Oponerse al tratamiento.
Solicitar la portabilidad de los datos.

Cuando un usuario rellena este formulario (de forma parcial o completa) está facilitando información de carácter personal de la que es responsable TEDxBarcelonaWomen. Esa información puede incluir datos de carácter personal como pueden ser tu nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y otra información. Al facilitar esta información, el usuario da su consentimiento para que su información sea recopilada, utilizada, gestionada y almacenada por el equipo de TEDxBarcelonaWomen.

Tratamos la información que facilitan las personas interesadas con los siguientes fines:

Identificar personas que desean participar en el evento TEDxBarcelonaWomen de 2019 como ponentes.
Facilitar al equipo de TEDxBarcelonaWomen la información necesaria con tal de evaluar potenciales ponentes y realizar el proceso de selección de los futuros participantes.

TEDxBarcelonaWomen, no vende, alquila ni cede datos de carácter personal que puedan identificar al usuario, ni lo hará en el futuro, a terceros sin el consentimiento previo. Los datos son almacenados mediante la herramienta Google Drive; un servicio de almacenamiento online colectivo prestado por Google, Inc. Por otro lado, Gmail es un servicio que almacena los mensajes enviados por usuarios a efectos de contacto.

Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán:
Hasta que se solicite su supresión por el interesado.

El consentimiento prestado, tanto para el tratamiento como para la cesión de los datos de los interesados, es revocable en cualquier momento comunicándolo al equipo de TEDxBarcelonaWomen; enviando un mail a

Éste extracto de la política de privacidad de TEDxBarcelonaWomen no incluye puntos de recopilación y tratamiento de información proveniente de la página web  
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