PISE & CSI Pacific Health & Fitness Testing     Information
The following questions are general information for screening .
This form should take no longer than 15 minutes to fill out.
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Email *
Phone Number *
First and Last Name *
Age *
What test(s) are you interested in? *
Wajib diisi
Which type of exercise modality would you like to use for your test? *
Please note that your results will be most relevant to the exercise modality you select for the assessment. For example, if you perform the test on a bike, your training zones will be specific to biking. 

It is best to select the modality that you typically perform during your regular exercise routine.

Why are you interested in doing this test(s)? *
Is there anything else that CSI should be aware of in regards to your nutrition, health etc? *
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Canadian Sport Institute Pacific. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan