UAL 倫敦藝術大學學生會講座報名表格 UAL International: Introduction to Arts Students' Union and Q&A
Event date: 22 April 2022 (Friday)

參加人數有限,想透過我們報名是次活動,請填妥以下資料並於4月20日 (星期三) 中午十二時或之前發給我們。
Limited places are available. If you would like us to register this session for you, please provide the information below and let us know before 12 p.m. on 20 April 2022 (Wednesday).



*After filling the form below, we will contact you about the registration and any other updated information about UAL from time to time.

*Also, by giving the information below, you have confirmed that you have read UAL’s privacy notice detailing how they will process your personal information. UAL needs to be able to process your details in order to accept your registration.
登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情
姓 Last Name *
名 First Name *
出生日期 Birthday *
電郵地址 Email Address *
聯絡電話 Mobile *
UAL 學生編號(如適用)UAL Student No. (If applicable)
想瞭解的範圍 Level of Interest *
預計入學年份 Year of Entry *
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
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