Brentwood Barbell Coaching Application
We help people accomplish their goals.
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Please take a few minutes to help us better understand how we can help you achieve your goals. We look forward to learning more about you!
Full Name *
Age *
Sex *
Height *
Current Weight *
Phone Number *
Email *
How did you hear about us? *
If you were referred by a friend, we'd love to know who sent you!
Describe how active you are each day (this does not include training). *
How many days per week do you currently exercise? *
How long do your workouts usually last (minutes) *
Assuming you are working out, what exercises do your sessions typically consist of? *
What do you enjoy most about your current exercise program? *
What is your preferred eating style? *
Macronutrient Preference (this question examines your preferred nutrient intake regarding the big 3, carbs, fats, and protein). *
How many times do you prefer to eat per day? *
Please list any supplements you are currently taking. *
Please list any medical / orthopedic information that would be relevant to your training. If you're not sure whether or not it's relevant, go ahead and list it so we can discuss. *
Are you currently seeking treatment with any health professional for the information listed above? If so, please explain. *
Please list any medications you are currently taking. *
Please describe your goal(s). Check all that apply. *
What are some potential barriers to you achieving your goal(s)? *
Have you worked with a coach before? If you have, please elaborate on the experience. If you have not, that's okay too! *
Have you ever competed before (examples include powerlifting, weightlifting, marathon, 5K, CrossFit competition, HS or collegiate athlete, etc.)? We'd love to hear more about it if you have. *
How many days per week would you like to train with us? *
Our core services include Strength and Nutrition Coaching. We offer these services in private, group, and remote settings. Please tell us which of these services seem to be the most appealing to you. You're not making any commitments here. *
Improvements in health related outcomes such as optimal body composition, blood pressure, lean mass, bone density, and metabolic health all have an established dose-dependent relationship with strength training, aerobic training, and healthy nutrition habits. Please rate your "readiness for change" regarding exercise and nutrition. *
What time would be best for us to have a conversation regarding your application for coaching? Our meeting will last about 45 minutes. We're happy to talk over the phone or have you come in and see the gym! *
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