Share Your Expedition Story 
If you have embarked on your own journey to find your leading approach, either alone or in a group, please share your story with us. Your story will inspire many others walking on this path of being an authentic woman leader.

To share your story, please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly.  
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Your name
Your age
Email ID 
Contact Number (preferably Whatsapp number)
Where do you currently reside?
Did you do your expedition alone or in a group?
What sparked you to begin your expedition?
What is the most surprising discovery you have made about yourself during your expedition?
3 ways you have started showing up differently as a result of your expedition?
Did you know your purpose before the expedition?  *

If you already knew your purpose, has the expedition impacted your relationship with your purpose? 

What does your ‘map’ of leading look like?

How would you like to share your story with the rest of the community?
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Do you have any questions you would like to ask Julia? 

Any additional sharings - 
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