Culpeper Summer Camp 2022
All our sessions are now full for primary aged children- we do still have spaces on our amazing trip for secondary school 11-16 year olds on the 16th and 17th of august to Chanelsea island. Please complete this form only if you wish to go on a waiting list. If its a referral via social worker/CIN/Family Support please do get in contact with to discuss costings.
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Visit to Surge Cooperative ( For 11-16 year olds  To the Channelsea River in Stratford

Learn about the ways we are working with the river to create cooperative boat moorings, improve biodiversity and get to know the other species we’re sharing the space with. Build a floating habitat to help clean the water and provide nesting for birds, create amphibian dens to attract toads, snakes and other creatures to the ecology garden on the river bank, get your hands dirty with an experiential talk about mud and river ecologies with Prof. Kate Spencer, and connect with the soundscapes of the river and its surroundings through a listening session.
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Lit.Licks Water Festival (Last week of July) If your child is aged 4-9 here are the July activities available - please check each one you are interested in. Each day includes access to the Culpeper Community Gardens and lunch.
August activities for Primary School age. Each day includes access to the Culpeper Community Gardens and lunch.
Please let us know if you would like to attend our End of Summer Party by checking the box! * by checking the box we can send over all invite details nearer the time. All our welcome!
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Please let us know if the young person has any additional needs we may try to accommodate
Please provide the unique HAF booking code // if you do not have one please mark n/a *
Thank you we will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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