Public Art - Property Owner Interest Form
Use this form to notify WTCC of your interest in having public art installed on your building.
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By filling out this form, WTCC will provide you with access to the list of artists who submit interest forms to the WTCC.  WTCC may also contact you directly if there is a project we think fits your property.
Name *
First and Last Name
Email *
Phone number *
Address of property *
What part of your building are you interested in having public art installed? *
Front, West Side, 2nd floor and higher, first floor only, etc.
WTCC will mainly provide you with the information of artists interested in creating public art in West Town, However, WTCC may contact you regarding potential artists.  How would you prefer WTCC to contact you? *
Please check here that you acknowledge that the West Town Chamber of Commerce will provide the above information to artists who express interest in finding public spaces in West Town for public art installations. This information will not be posted publicly. *
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