What would the retreat of your dreams be like?
It's been a longtime dream of mine to lead a women's retreat that gives each guest the space to slow down, unplug, relax, receive, and reconnect to the woman they want to be.

I am in conversations with a Ojo Santa Fe Spa and Resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico to host a retreat November 9-12, 2023.

I invite you to pause for a moment - take a deep breath and imagine what a soul-nourishing retreat would feel and be like for you...

Thank you so much for helping me create a dream experience for you and other women like you by sharing your wishes with me below.
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1. What interests you most about attending a retreat? Please check all that apply. *
2. When it comes to lodging, what do you prefer? *
3. When it comes to meals and beverages, what do you prefer? Please check all that apply. *
4. When it comes to transportation, what do you prefer? *
5. What activities interest you the most? Please check all that apply and add whatever you'd enjoy that isn't listed in "Other". *
6. When it comes to activities, what do you prefer? *
7. If a spa treatment was included in your retreat investment... how would you feel? Please check all that apply. *
8. What's the biggest obstacle that might keep you from attending a retreat? *
9. If you were to invest in a retreat, would you rather... *
10. Have you attended other retreats before? *
11. If you have attended other retreats, please share what you loved about it and what could've been better.
12. What is your version of your dream retreat in 2-3 sentences? *
13. What other suggestions do you have to make this retreat absolutely perfect for you?
14. I have a thank you gift for you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Please share your name and email address below so I can send it your way.
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