Friends of Feral Felines Contact Form
Please fill out this form to ...
  • Get information about Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) in and around Charlotte, NC.
  • Get information on low-cost spay/neuter clinics that work with feral/stray community cats in and around Charlotte, NC.
  • Get information on how to borrow or rent humane traps for TNR purposes in Charlotte, NC.
  • Let us know you are interested in volunteering for Friends of Feral Felines (FFF).
  • Let us know that you are a land/farm owner near Charlotte, NC willing to host feral cats that must be relocated.
Please note that we are NOT a rescue organization.  Please use this link to find contact information for rescues in your area -

To find a low-cost spay neuter clinic in NC (if you're outside the Charlotte, NC area), please contact the SPAY NC Helpline at 1-888-NC-FIX-EM (888-623-4936) or visit Animal Kind.
If you're outside of NC, find low-cost clinics near you using - Fix Finder or Neighborhood Cats or Spay USA.

**If you have a very sick or injured stray/feral community cat, please visit your local emergency or urgent vet OR call your local animal control.**

One of our email volunteers will get back to you in 24-72 hours.  If you don't get an email back in 72 hours, please check your spam/junk folder or email  Please note that during the holidays responses may be delayed.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address (Where your response back will be received; Please call our hotline if you don't have email) *
Phone Number *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
If these outdoor cat(s) live at an apartment community, please provide the name of the apartment community.
What services or assistance do you need? (Check all that apply.) *
Please include any additional details or information that would help us address your request more effectively - including how many cats need help. *
Would you like to donate to Friends of Feral Felines? *
Would you like to sign up to receive monthly newsletters by EMAIL? *
How did you hear about Friends of Feral Felines? *
Did you also reach out to our hotline number before you filled out this online form? *
If you called our hotline first, which date (or day of the week) did you call?
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