SCASD Book Club for Parents and Community Members: Exploring the Dimensions of Diversity
A book club in which we will read and discuss books related to the various dimensions of diversity. Together, we will explore these dimensions and learn more about ourselves and others. Below, please provide your information and select the book you will be reading during the Fall Book Club.
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The Dimensions of Diversity
Preferred Name:
If you have a child(ren) enrolled in SCASD, please complete the information below. If you do not please answer the first question below and skip to the section marked- Book Selection)
Do you have children enrolled in SCASD?
School (s) your child(ren) attend.
Student(s) Age(s):
Student Grade (select all that apply):
Please select Fall dates below you believe you will be able to attend (select all that apply).  
Will you need childcare?
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