Guest Teacher Survey
Thank you for your service to our students and our schools! Please take a moment to complete this survey. Your responses are important to us and help us grow. Thank you!
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Email *
Your Name (Optional, if a response is requested)
Length of time as guest teacher with UUSD
Batalkan pilihan
Average number of days you work per week as a guest teacher in UUSD in the 2022-2023 school year
Batalkan pilihan
Grade levels you work with in UUSD in the 2022-2023 school year (select all that apply)
Human Resources 
How soon were you contacted by the Substitute Services Technician after initially applying for a substitute position?
Batalkan pilihan
Did the Substitute Services Technician explain how to use Frontline accurately (how to configure your personal settings, how to accept substitute assignments)?
Batalkan pilihan
School SIte
When I arrive at a school front office, I generally:
Batalkan pilihan
If I have a question or need clarification, office staff:
Batalkan pilihan
When I arrive in the classroom, lesson plans are:
Batalkan pilihan
When I arrive in the classroom, attendance procedures are:
Batalkan pilihan
If I have questions or need support with students,
Batalkan pilihan
The best experiences I have had as a guest teacher in UUSD include:
The areas that could be improved upon for guest teachers in UUSD include:
I prefer to get my guest teacher assignments:
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Upland Unified School District. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan