RSVP for Mabel's Voices Abortion Story Crafting Workshop:
As part of our Mabel's Voices story sharing project and in recognition of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade we are hosting a story-crafting workshop to demolish shame and build collective power!  The workshop will be led by Dr. Lily Herakova (she/her), a professor of communication and Mabel's Board Member, and Abbie Strout-Bentes (she/her), Mabel's Director of Education and Community Engagement, and is open to anyone who has had an abortion.

When: Friday, January 24th from 3:30-5:30pm at the Health Equity Alliance (304 Hancock Street, Suite 3B, Bangor)

Workshop description: Storytelling is a constructive action – it helps us build trust, make connections, perform the im/possible, and elevate our knowledge and understanding. Join us as we craft a community around the sharing of our abortions stories. Throughout the workshop, we will explore together stigma and shame, you will have the opportunity to craft your personal abortion story and tell it in an intimate, confidential storytelling circle at the end of the workshop. we hope that you will join us in this collective effort to make our stories matter.

The workshop will be followed by a public story-sharing event at Tea and Tarts in Bangor titled Abortion Story Sharing. Workshop participants do not need to share their stories at the public event but are welcome to.

Any questions? Please email
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