Auction for Missions: Bidder Info Sheet
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We believe a purposeful life is one that is lived in community. In line with our recent event, THRIVE, our IBC Youth students have created collaborative paintings, which were displayed and auctioned off at the IBC Welcome Center from May 15-29. We are now bringing the auction online, and you can bid until June 30!

At the end of the auction, our Thrive team will reach out to the highest bidders to make arrangements for sending the artwork to your home. Each artwork is made up of several tiles, which are acrylic paintings on canvas. Each tile is about 12x12 inches. You may also choose to have the artwork donated elsewhere.

Payment for the artwork are to be sent/transferred directly to IBC Singapore's bank account. All proceeds will go towards local mission partners that support children from low-income families, and those with special needs. Thank you for partnering with us in this way!
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Please make sure this is the correct number so we can contact you if you win the auction. Thank you!
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Where do you want the artwork/s to be delivered?
Starting bid: $80 | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $180 | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $100  | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $120  | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $140 | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $120 | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $160  | Bid increment: multiples of $10
Starting bid: $60 | Bid increment: multiples of $10
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