2020 Softball Decision
In order to have some constancy we are asking all people requesting a refund or tuition to be put toward next season to please fill out below. Please fill out the information requested and select if you would like a reimbursement or tuition to go to the 2021 Softball Season.

It saddens the Softball board to have to cancel this years softball season. We hope to see all these eager young ladies next year.

**All 8th grade players will automatically receive a refund for the 2020 season. Please note that payments will be made once a week. This will allow for us to ensure no one is missed and are able to process them all at once for that week.  These payments will be made back in the form that was collected when you signed up the player.
Today date *
Softball Players Name *
2nd Players Name, Grade and Division
3rd Players Name, Grade and Division
4th Players Name, Grade and Division
Division Level *
Guardians Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
Payment method when player signed up *
Refund option *
Comments, Questions or Concerns
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