Yoga for All Musicians Feedback
YAM is a culture of feedback, and we created this space for you - so we'd like to hear from you! Please fill out this feedback form. You are welcome to include your name, or fill out anonymously.
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I am overall satisfied with my experience at YAM
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Strongly Agree
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I feel supported by my teachers, and I feel that they have the knowledge to facilitate impactful yoga classes for musicians
Strong Disagree
Strongly Agree
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The class times provided work well in my schedule
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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The class packages and/or membership is fair pricing and fits my budget
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Strongly Agree
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YAM has welcomed me and I feel supported by the virtual community
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Strongly Agree
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Practicing at YAM has impacted my musicianship
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Classes are physically accessible and I enjoy the options of the different class formats
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Strongly Agree
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My favorite class is
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Is there a service or class offering that you feel YAM should add?
The YAM website is easy to navigate, and I am able to sign up for classes seamlessly
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Strongly Agree
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I enjoy receiving YAM instagram & facebook updates, as well as the newsletter. It makes me feel part of this community!
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Is there anything else you'd like to share with YAM, so that we are able to continue to create the most supportive space possible for you?
Share your name, if you are willing to be quoted for testimonial on social media & our website
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