PG ChangeMakers Fellow Application:  

Pg ChangeMakers is excited to announce our new Youth Fellowship program for youth of color ages 15 - 19 in Prince George’s county. This fellowship deepens our commitment to community activism and creating a safe space for people of color, particularly youth, and elevating their voices, ideas, and needs.

Our goal is for the youth to walk away understanding the endless possibilities they already have within themselves and discover ways to utilize these strengths to their advantage. We will help them to not just identify the problems in a community and be able to visualize possible solutions and learn how to build a campaign structure and community support.

Each fellow will receive $2,000 each the fellowship will last 3 months and each fellow will commit to meeting twice a month.

With this fellowship will hope to continue to find and elevate real solutions to some of our biggest challenges faced by our society around racial injustice by fully preparing our youth to engage these issues. Young adults interested in learning how to organize and activate for change on a systemic level please visit to apply.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Phone Number
What zip code do you live in?
Guardian's Name (provide if applicant is under the age of 18)
Guardian's email address (provide if applicant is under the age of 18)
Guardian's phone number (provide if applicant is under the age of 18)
What do you hope to gain from this fellowship?
What is an issue you are passionate about addressing in your community?
Please share anything else you would like us to know
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