This has been a tough year for everyone, hope you all have been keeping well.
As always we will be celebrating the end of the year with a FREE feast of Korean BBQ!

Time: 5:00-7:00PM
Date: Saturday 24th October 2020
Location: Paradise BBQ Garden Restaurant (61/51C Hobson St, Auckland, 1010)
Price: FREE for members, $28 for non-members

First come, first served (spots are very limited!)
YACMA members will be prioritised.  

2021 YACMA exec voting will also be occurring at the AGM.  If you have any questions, please feel free to message a current exec member.

All the best with your upcoming exams

Yours truly,
YACMA Exec x
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First Name *
Last Name *
MBChB Year *
Are you a current YACMA member? *
Are you running for a YACMA Exec position for 2021? *
Do you have any dietary requirements?
Mobile number (contact tracing purposes) - please be prepared to scan the QR code with the NZ COVID Tracer app *
By writing my name below I am indicating that I am able to attend the 2020 YACMA AGM on the 24th October at Paradise Korean BBQ.  If I can no longer make it I will inform the YACMA Exec ASAP, as places are limited.   *
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