Savannah Adult Baseball League
Player information for joining the league during the 2025 season.  (This is only for players that do not have a team)
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Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
What is your primary position? (The main position you want to play) *
What is your secondary position? (Position you have no problem playing if primary is not available.) *
Are there any other positions your willing to play if needed? *
What is the highest level of baseball that you have played organizationally? *
The SABL currently runs three spring leagues 18+, 30+, and 40+, you may play in one or in more than one league.  (For 30+/40+ if you are within 5 years of age you may play in the league but not pitch)

Which leagues are you interested in? (More than one may be selected)
Will you be able to commit to playing baseball mainly on Sundays (with a few games occurring during the week for rain outs) from February - July *
Would you consider managing a team if there are enough players to form a new team? *
How did you hear about SABL? *
Are there any questions/comments/concerns that you would like for the prospective coaches to know about you?
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