Would you like to volunteer with Raising Coral Costa Rica?
Thank you very much for your interest in supporting Raising Coral Costa Rica (RCCR)! Support of people like you helps us achieve our mission.

Please fill out this form so that we can determine how we could work together. Your information will remain in a database within the organization and will not be shared. We will be contacting you if we have a specific need that we think you could help with. Thank you!
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Full name *
Nationality *
ID or passport number *
Cell phone number *
Email address *
How would you like to participate? Tell us about yourself. *
If you would like to dive with the RCCR team to help with maintenance in the coralnursery, please read the following information:
This experience includes a space on a small boat and two dives in the nursery. Each volunteer will be paired with an experienced coral gardener, who will guide you in the different tasks and look out for your safety.

The charge for a day is $100 per person and includes the boat trip, two dives, two tanks of air, diving equipment (if available in your size), and snacks.

Each volunteer is responsible for arriving on time at the boat launch (usually the public dock in Puerto Jimenez). RCCR does not cover transport to and from the dock.

After receiving this form, RCCR will let you know the next dates scheduled for volunteer trips, and how many volunteer spaces are open. We can take no more than 4 volunteers per trip.

The $100 should be paid to the Raising Coral account one week prior to the selected date. If payment Is not made by that time, we will assign the space to the next person on the list.
Please indicate your highest level of dive certification:
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Questions or comments:
Thank you again for your interest! We will contact you soon.
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