Program Participant Intake Form
Partnerships for Permanence (P4P) is a nonprofit organization that bridges opportunity gaps for young people entering adulthood from the child welfare system. We are a community of professionals and youth with lived experience in foster care and adoption creating systems change through support services, advocacy, and personal development training.

P4P’s vision is focused on filling opportunity gaps that exist for former foster youth/adults and adoptees and developing the next generation of young leaders who will transform the child welfare system.

1) Our Leaders Changing the System (LCS) program
  • We teach aspiring youth leaders life and leadership skills, identity formation, communication skills, plus provide resources to career and educational opportunities, and one-on-one mentorship to support our youth’s successful transition into adulthood. 
2) Our Foster Alumni and Adoptee Support Network
  • We provide an online support network for foster and adoptive young people to form lasting supportive relationships and build meaningful connections with other P4P members who have similar life experiences. 
  • We offer ongoing support to program participants through mentoring trainings, book club calls, peer support groups, social and networking events, and summer and holiday gatherings.
3) Our Child Welfare Trainings
  • We teach child welfare professionals and foster and adoptive families how to advocate for young people through skills-building workshops, like how to better care for children of color (racial and cultural needs). 
  • We also partner with other agencies to raise community awareness and understanding of how to support foster and adoptive youth so they can grow into adults that live positive, peaceful, and prosperous lives.  

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1. How did you hear about P4P?  *
2. What County do you live in? *
3. Date completing intake form *
4. Which of the following best describes your interest or involvement with Partnerships for Permanence: *
5. Name of Participant (First, Middle and Last Name) *
6. Date of Birth (Participant) *
7. Telephone Number of Participant *
8. Email Address of Participant *

9. As a former foster/adoptee/youth or adult in transition, which of the following best describes your current situation: (Check all that applies)

10. If you are under 18 years old, what kind of support do you need most right now? 
11. If you are 18 and older, which of the following needs do you have now as an adult? 
12. What are 2-3 life challenges you struggle with the most? Examples: substance/drug use, eviction, homelessness, anxiety/depression, etc? *
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