Updated HVIG Agenda Item Submission Form 061523
To submit a new agenda item for a future HVIG meeting, please fill in this form.  Please note that you must attend the meeting to present your agenda item, or ask your meeting representative to do so on your behalf.

Monthly HVIG meetings are currently held on the second Sunday of each month from 1:00 - 2:30 pm eastern time (unless otherwise noted).  Agenda items are added to the agenda as new business in the order they have been received. Agendas for the meetings are located on the HVIG website as soon as they are available.  

Please note that it may take a couple of months to get your agenda item through the group conscience process, on the agenda, but they are in the que.  Please make a note if your agenda item is urgent and contact the HVIG Chair for supporty.  Thank you for your understanding as HVIG volunteers serve the needs of our fellowship to the best of our ability.  
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Email *
Today's Date *
Your First Name *
Your Phone Number *
Please summarize the item that you would like to added to an upcoming agenda.   State the challenge, and the solution that you would like considered and discussed. *
Have you discussed the item with your sponsor, fellows on program calls, and / or your HVIG meeting rep (if there is one)? *
Please note in order to present a new agenda item at the HVIG meeting for group conscience discussion, you will need to be present at the meeting (motion carried in 2010) *
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