Not necessary to have/Already have
Slightly useful to have
Important but not critical to have
Portable with patient in stretcher/bed
Patient able to walk around with system in place
Patient able to use walker with system in place
Patient can eat/drink in isolation.
Compatible with feeding tube e.g. nasogastric or orogastric tube.
Compatible with endotracheal intubation.
Compatible with bougie guide-wire assisted intubation.
Compatible with bag-valve mask.
Compatible with regular nasal cannula for oxygen.
Compatible with nebulized treatments.
Patient isolation during introduction of equipment (i.e., no exposure of isolated environment to external environment.)
Provider isolation during introduction of equipment (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolated environment)
Patient isolation during removal of equipment (i.e., no exposure of isolated environment to external environment)
Provider isolation during removal of equipment (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolate environment.)
Patient isolation with system in place (i.e. no exposure of isolated environment to external environment)
Provider isolation with system in place (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolated environment)
Inside of enclosure not exposed to external environment following removal
Capable of performing non-resuscitative procedures without removing isolation
Capable of performing resuscitative measures e.g. CPR without removing isolation.