Patient Isolation and Personal Protective Technology Survey
You have been asked to participate in a user needs study. The purpose of the study is to identify product characteristics for the development of an improved, patient isolation technology and/or personal protective equipment. This interview is voluntary. You have the right not to answer any question or stop the survey at any time. Unless you previously gave us permission to use your name, title, and/or information and / or quote you in any publications that may result from this research, the information you tell us will be confidential.

We aim to make the results of this study broadly available to all those working to battle COVID-19, to help promote understanding of on-the-ground realities and needs.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Debbie Teodorescu (

Thank you so much for helping us keep patients and healthcare providers safe!
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What is your healthcare role?
Healthcare setting(s) in which you work (please check all that apply)
Type of healthcare setting(s) in which you work (please check all that apply)
Countr(ies) in which you work/have worked in healthcare setting(s)
Best estimate of number of patients per shift that you come into contact with, when you are working.
Best estimate of number of patients with possible or confirmed COVID-19 per shift that you come into contact with, when you are working.
Best estimate of number of patients served at your facility per day.
Best estimate of number of patients with possible or confirmed COVID-19 served at your facility per day (we recognize this may be very dynamic!)
How satisfied are you with the the level of isolation for COVID-19 patients?
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
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How satisfied are you with the level of personal protective equipment available to you for care of COVID-19 patients?
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
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Comments regarding existing isolation resources and/or level of personal protective equipment for care of COVID-19 patients e.g. what you currently use, wish is available, etc.
How satisfied are you at baseline with the level of isolation for care of non-COVID-19 patients?
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection
How satisfied are you at baseline with the level of personal protective equipment available to you for care of non-COVID-19 patients?
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection
Comments regarding existing isolation resources and/or level of personal protective equipment for care of non-COVID-19 patients e.g. what you currently use, wish is available, etc.
For the following barrier characteristics, please indicate importance to you beyond what is currently available to you.
Not necessary to have/Already have
Slightly useful to have
Important but not critical to have
Prevent COVID-19 aerosol contamination from patient mouth to environment
Prevent COVID-19 droplet contamination from patient mouth to environment
Prevent COVID-19 aerosol contamination from patient nasal passages to environment
Prevent COVID-19 droplet contamination from patient nasal passages to environment
Provide a barrier between patient eyes and environment
Easy to store
Patient isolation with system in place (i.e. no exposure of isolated environment to external environment)
Provider isolation with system in place (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolated environment)
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Comments on critical barrier characteristics.
For the following deployment characteristics, please indicate importance to you beyond what is currently available to you.
Not necessary to have/Already have
Slightly useful to have
Important but not critical to have
Easy to store
Easy to apply
Fast to apply
Capable of being applied by patient or caretaker
Capable of being applied by medical personnel
Capable of being applied prior to patient entry into healthcare facility
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Comments on critical deployment characteristics.
Maximum application time
Ideal time/location/personnel to deploy isolation/PPE technology in your practice on a patient (e.g. outside, in waiting room, at time of code event, etc)
For the following use characteristics and scenarios, please indicate importance to you beyond what is currently available to you.
Not necessary to have/Already have
Slightly useful to have
Important but not critical to have
Portable with patient in stretcher/bed
Patient able to walk around with system in place
Patient able to use walker with system in place
X-ray compatible
CT compatible
MRI compatible
Patient can eat/drink in isolation.
Compatible with feeding tube e.g. nasogastric or orogastric tube.
Compatible with endotracheal intubation.
Compatible with bougie guide-wire assisted intubation.
Compatible with bag-valve mask.
Compatible with regular nasal cannula for oxygen.
Compatible with nebulized treatments.
Patient isolation during introduction of equipment (i.e., no exposure of isolated environment to external environment.)
Provider isolation during introduction of equipment (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolated environment)
Patient isolation during removal of equipment (i.e., no exposure of isolated environment to external environment)
Provider isolation during removal of equipment (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolate environment.)
Patient isolation with system in place (i.e. no exposure of isolated environment to external environment)
Provider isolation with system in place (i.e. no exposure of external environment to isolated environment)
Inside of enclosure not exposed to external environment following removal
Capable of performing non-resuscitative procedures without removing isolation
Capable of performing resuscitative measures e.g. CPR without removing isolation.
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Comments on critical use characteristics.
Please list any more equipment compatibility, procedural compatibility, safety measures, and/or attributes below.
Maximum removal time
Minimum duration of single use before changing
Maximum duration of single use before changing
How will patient be cleaned, if relevant? (e.g. bedside wipe, shower, bath, etc)
What should be the maximum cost per device?
If you want us to keep posted on our progress, please share your best contact information.
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