Anomaly Survival - Feedback Form
Hey oo. Smiths here. 
I want you to be brutal with feed back.
The more honest the more likely that I'll be able to make a better game during the next round of playtesting 
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
What is your Discord name or Wolfpack Nickname?
(Not required but would show to my lecturer that I didn't just make a bunch of feedback responces)
Who was the Playtexting Host? *
Playtest Date *
What was your favorite moment/moments in the game?
What is one thing that you would like to be changed in game?
Was there anything that you didn't understand in the game?
Is there any Feedback that you'd like to address to the developer/programmer?
Was there any bugs that you encountered...
If so then could you please describe what the bug was and what you did (So that I can replicate it and fix it)?
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