3/23 Family Empowerment Series: Engagement and Advocacy for Families and Students - In-Person Training Registration

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we must cancel the "Family Empowerment Series: Engagement and Advocacy for Families and Students" training that was originally scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd.

However, we are pleased to inform you that we will be having the same training at a later date, specifically on March 28th, 2024, in collaboration with DC Childcare Connections. Please note that this training session will be over Zoom. 

Please register HERE if you are interested in attending this virtual training!
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Your Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
What grade is your child in? (Mark all that apply if you have multiple children!) *
What ward do you currently reside in? *
OPTIONAL: Do you or anyone who will be accompanying you (child(ren), partner, etc.) require accommodations for this session? If so, please describe below.
OPTIONAL: Do you have any questions about special education that you'd like to ask now?
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