Interested in Volunteering at AFS?
There are many ways you can contribute to AFS activities.

Your submission here serves to communicate your interest in being considered for these positions, rather than as a sign up sheet, since all positions must be coordinated with ongoing projects, some are by appointment or election, and others may not be open at any given time.

While many of our committees are currently full, we want to know who is interested in serving now and in the future as we seek to fill service roles.

Please note that most committees require a multi-year commitment; appointments are made by the AFS President, usually in January of each year.

We will follow up with you to discuss opportunities for service when they arise.
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First Name
Last Name
Introduce yourself to us in one sentence
Committees (service commitment is typically 3 years)
AFS-MLA Liaison Committee: To build the relationship between AFS and MLA and to program folklore activities at the MLA Annual Convention

Chicago Prize Committee: To review and evaluate submissions for the Chicago Book Prize.

Contingent Workforce Concerns Committee: To make recommendations to the Board for policies and actions to support adjunct, freelance, independent, and contingent members of the Society

Cultural Diversity Committee: To undertake research and other activities regarding priorities and strategies to diversify the Society's membership and to keep the Society engaged with diverse communities, and, based on those activities, to recommend policies and actions to the Executive Board

Development Committee: To advise the Executive Board and Executive Director on development matters

International Issues Committee: To undertake research and other activities regarding priorities and strategies to keep the Society engaged with folklorists and folklore organizations worldwide and, based on those activities, to recommend policies and actions to the Executive Board

Media and Public Outreach Committee: To communicate and bring attention to the work of the AFS, its members, and the field of folklore to the public, academic and community scholars, government agencies, and the media.

Membership Committee: To undertake research and other activities regarding the growth and development of the Society’s membership and of the services the Society provides to its members, and, based on those activities, to recommend policies and actions to the Executive Board

Mentoring Committee: Serve the mentoring and professional development needs of Society members, and, based on those activities, to recommend policies and actions to the Executive Board

Nominating Committee: To make nominations for elected offices, and suggestions to the Executive Board for appointed positions. (*NOTE: Candidates for this committee are nominated by the Nominating Committee, and members of this committee are elected by the AFS membership each fall. )

Publications Committee: To recruit and recommend to the Executive Board the appointment of Society editors and to monitor the state of all Society publications in all media and suggest publication-related policies or actions to the Executive Board

Please check ALL committees that interest you.
Annual Meeting positions
Please check ALL positions that interest you. Note that the annual meeting in 2021 has two components—in-person in Harrisburg and virtual, which will not overlap.
Are you interested in volunteering with AFS in some other capacity, like serving on the Executive Board, helping with other projects, or as an intern? If so, please indicate your area of interest here:
If you have additional volunteer ideas for the annual meeting or have relevant special skills, please describe them here:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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