KY Farm to School Supporter Sign - Schools
The KY Farm to School Network is excited to invite KY schools that currently participate in farm to school (or have in the last year) to order and display this FREE yard sign to celebrate National Farm to School month (October).  The yard sign will be shipped to your provided mailing address and we encourage you to have it on display in front of your school during October.  Each individual public or private school is invited to order a sign.  

These FREE yard signs are provided thanks to a partnership between the Kentucky Farm to School Network, Kentucky Horticulture Council, and Kentucky Proud.
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The yard sign will be double sided with the image below, 18 x 24 inches large, and can be displayed with the included 24 inch stake.
Your Name *
School or district name *
Your job title *
Number of signs requested
Email *
Do you want to sign up to receive KY Farm to School Network e-newsletters? *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
In what ways does your school currently (or in the past year) participate in Farm to School? (select all that apply) *
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