2022-2023 PAPAS Sponsor Form
We will use this form to include you as one of our official sponsors for PAPAS. You can pay via PayPal on our website www.performpeoria.com or by sending a check (made out to the Peoria Area Performing Arts School) to Checks mailed to:
C/O Rebecca Trecek
4900 N. Knoxville Ave
208 A Peoria, IL 61614

. Please include in the check note: Sponsorship. Please visit our website to see how we utilize our sponsorship contributions. We simply could not continue our youth arts education mission without your support.
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Name *
Business Name if Applicable?
Email *
Phone Number? *
Type of Sponsorship? *
Level of Sponsorship? *
How would you like your name listed in our programs? *
Name or parent who contacted you about sponsoring PAPAS (if applicable)?
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