BetterDaily Collaboration & Podcast Feature
This form is for coaches who want to collaborate and get featured on BetterDaily Program and our new BetterHabits Podcast. If you have any questions, please send them to
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Email *
Name  *
Coach Profile Link (without referral code)
Have you completed Habit Coaching Certification?
(1st Priority) What Keystone Habit would you like to be featured in? Please name the habit and post the link to the respective habit (chat-based) coaching package. Please find  the list of Keystone Habits mapped to BetterDaily weeks (preliminary) *
(2nd Priority) What Keystone Habit would you like to be featured in? Please name the habit and post the link to the respective habit (chat-based) coaching package. Please find the list of Keystone Habits mapped to BetterDaily weeks (preliminary)
(3rd Priority) What Keystone Habit would you like to be featured in? Please name the habit and post the link to the respective habit (chat-based) coaching package. Please find the list of Keystone Habits mapped to BetterDaily weeks (preliminary)
Do you need help crafting a Keystone Habit to match the program? Please find the list of Keystone Habits mapped to BetterDaily weeks (preliminary) *
Would you like to be featured in the BetterHabits podcast? If yes, on what topics (around habits)?
Are you willing and able to provide accountability coaching at our default rates for the featured coaching package for a minimum of 30 days (This includes refraining from hard upsells, unless the client requests additional support.)
Are you willing to notify us if your availability changes no later than 14 days after the change? The program will be offered throughout the year and new participants will have access to previous content. 
Do you plan to offer a discount code for clients signing up from the BetterDaily program? (e.g. FREEWEEK code) Please provide code and details on offer.
Is there anything else you'd like to share? If you have any questions, please send them to
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