Registrácia na 24 hodinovú recitáciu 7 veršovej modlitby/Registration to the 24 hour recitation of 7 line prayer
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Drahí priatelia,
radi by sme vás pozvali na 24 hodinovú recitáciu 7 veršovej modlitby k Padmasambhavovi vo Wangdenlingu. Začíname v sobotu 12.8. o 8:00 nahrávkou prednášky Tulku Dakpa Rinpočheho o 7 veršovej modlitbe a jej význame. Od 9:00 ráno 12.8. do 9:00 v nedeľu 13.8. budeme recitovať 7 veršovú modlitbu k Padmasambhavovi, následne budeme pokračovať ganapúdžou. 

Podmienkou účasti je mať lung 7 veršovej modlitby. Podmienkou plnej účasti vrátane ganapúdže je mať transmisiu od Čhogjal Namkhai Norbua, alebo od Yeshi Silvano Namkhai-a.

Ingrediencie nakúpime my ako účastníci, detaily ešte doladíme v organizačnom e-maili.

Ubytovanie vo Wangdenlingu: Dobrovoľný príspevok, doporučená suma 7 euro na noc.

Ak máte otázky, píšte na:
Ďakujeme a tešíme sa na vás,
váš organizačný tím.
Dear friends,
we would like to invite you to the 24 hour recitation of 7 line prayer to Padmasambhava in Wangdenling. We begin on Saturday the 12th of August at 8:00 by listening to the lecture on 7 line prayer to Padmasambhava and its meaning by Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche. From 9:00 a.m. 12.8. till 9:00 a.m. on Sunday 13.8. we will recite the 7 line prayer to Padmasambhava, after that we will continue with Ganapuja. 

Participation is on a condition of having received a lung of 7 line prayer. Full participation including ganapuja is on a condition of having received a transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu or from Yeshi Silvano Namkhai. 

We as participants will bring the ingredients for cooking, we will clarify the details ahead of time.

Accomodation in Wangdenling: Voluntary donation, suggested amount is 7 EURO per night.

In case of questions, please write to:
Thank you, looking forward to see you,
your organizing team.
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